Genetic screening, both before and during pregnancy, can help to identify when there may be an increased risk of certain genetic conditions. The CARE program can guide patients through the screening process and facilitate testing. Patients and providers can work together to use the results delivered through CARE to personalize family planning as well as pre- and postnatal care. With CARE, there is support for patients and providers at every step.

Screening Tests

The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) recommends an approach to carrier screening and NIPT that is guided by informed decision-making. The CARE program supports informed decision-making through access to education and genetic counseling. Our screening test menu is based on guidance from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG).

Carrier Screening

Carrier screening can be used to clarify the chance for a couple to have a baby with certain genetic conditions, even if they do not have personal or family histories of the conditions themselves. Examples of genetic conditions that may be screened for include cystic fibrosis (CF) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Most people are carriers of differences in genes that do not affect health, but when passed to children in combination with similar differences from their partners, can lead to a child having a genetic condition.

Anyone who is interested in having biological children in the future or who is currently pregnant can consider carrier screening, individually or together with a partner. The CARE Program can be used to educate patients on carrier screening, deliver test results, facilitate partner testing, and connect patients with pre-and post-test genetic counseling.

Smiling husband and wife together with laughing adolescent child riding on father's back
Extended family walking in an autumn forrest

Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)

Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), also known as noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS), examines DNA from the placenta that can be found in a pregnant person’s blood. The test screens for certain chromosomal conditions, such as Down syndrome, and can be performed as early as 10 weeks into pregnancy.

Anyone who is pregnant can consider NIPT. The CARE Program can be used to educate patients on NIPT, deliver test results (including predicted fetal sex, if available), and connect patients with pre- and post-test genetic counseling.

Doctor using a stethoscope to listen to mother's pregnant belly

Consistently offer guideline-recommended reproductive health screening

Enable patient education, informed consent, and connection to genetic counseling

Identify high-risk couples or pregnancies to empower personalized care

Streamline patient and partner testing and automate sensitive result delivery for efficient clinic workflows


Access resources to better understand your reproductive health screening options

Speak with a genetic counselor to discuss your genetic testing options and results

Customize family planning and prenatal care

How Does CARE Work?

A seamless solution for identifying the most at-risk patients.

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Using digital tools to collect/analyze patient health data

CARE Stethoscope Icon
Pre-Test Education

Demonstrating how genetic testing can guide health and family planning and prenatal care

CARE Beaker Icon
Genetic Testing

Streamlining ordering through Ambry for qualified individuals

CARE Folder Icon
Results Delivery

Delivering results to the ordering provider and next steps for patients, including customizable options for patient result disclosure

CARE Chat Icon
Post-Test Genetic Counseling

Making counseling available by telehealth to all patients who have testing, at no charge to patient

CARE Page Icon

Improving patient and provider experience with transparency at each step

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